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Change Policy

We know the many struggles to embroidery and we want to make the embroidery process a little easier for you. If you need any help with your digitized file you can submit your change request online or through your app. Our digitizers will send back a corrected file to you within the same business day you submitted your change request. If for some reason we need additional time to fix the issue we will contact you to let you know.

Here are some of our frequent questions regarding our change policy.

How can I submit my change request?

You can submit your change request online through your account, the Embroidery Artificer app, or send us an email at design@embroideryartificer.com . If you are having issues with the sew-out please take a picture of your sew out and send it to us with a description of the issues you are having.

Is there a fee for my change request?

No, most changes are free. If you are having issues with your sew out your change request regarding the sew-out is free.

What are changes that require a fee?

If there is a change in the original art that was submitted to us that wasn’t initially requested we will charge a fee.

Is there an extra fee for a size change?

Most size change do not require a fee such as changing a design from 2” to 3”-4”, but if it requires for us to re-digitize the design there will be an extra fee. If you are requesting a design that is for a left chest that is about 3” wide to a full back design around 12” wide we will most likely charge full price for a full back depending if we can’t use the previous design.

How soon will I get my file back after requesting a change?

You will receive your file within the same day you submitted your change request if it was made before 4:30pm pacific standard time.

Download Our Free App

The Embroidery Artificer iPhone and iPad app makes it easy to request a quote, place new orders, view and download your designs, submit change requests, and more.